Dagmar Keller, Martin Wittwer
The Day Is Obvious by Its Morning
The title of this video installation, which was made in Sofia, seizes upon a Bulgarian adage. It juxtaposes images of two different residential areas within the Bulgarian capital—a high-rise complex and an affluent suburb—taken during dawn and sunrise. Step by step the differing realities of both settings emerge: visible, on the one hand, are precarious conditions, informal urban structures, and involuntary social encounters and, on the other, seemingly purposeful spatial and social seclusion.
Excerpt The Day Is Obvious by Its Morning on Vimeo.
Den Tag erkennst Du schon an seinem Morgen, 2009
Two-channel video installation (16:9), sound, 19:28 min., loopCourtesy Keller/ Wittwer and VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2012